1) What am I good at?
Make a list of your unique talents and characteristics.
Go really deep inside yourself.
Some people lack self esteem and might find this difficult, but we all have unique talents that are special to us individually.
We just don't connect ourselves to them often enough. They're already there but only in our subconscious mind - so extract them.
Most importantly - do this from your perspective, not from others'. Don't try and put yourself into other peoples' shoes.
Don't try to compete with others' talents. Ignore them and just focus on yours. You won't find life purpose by pretending to be somebody else.
Idea - Perhaps list some 'peculiar oddities' you might possess. What I mean here is those particular talents that people you know might mention to you on occasion, like close friends and family.
Perhaps you have a special talent which is perceived as unorthodox?
2) What do I give in abundance - what do I find easy to give?
List all the things that you seem to naturally give to other people. You have some kind of internal motivation as why you always do this: it's easy for you.
We're not talking just physical things here. Think of what you in particular bring into other people's lives.
Again, remember the rapid fire.
3) Why do I do things?
Think about those activities you do that you really enjoy.
Why do you enjoy them?
What makes you drawn to the small things in everyday life that you seem to occupy yourself with all the time?
Try and picture how you spend all your time, not just in work and play, but in your 'idle' moments too.
Again: Rapid fire.
4) Where do I feel most at ease?
Picture yourself in your perfect place. Why do you feel most comfortable here? It could be a place you already occupy or a place in the future that you would like to be.
The latter might be the most important one as it is your dream , you're in control of it and so it can be as big and bright as you want to make it.
Use your imagination, what are you always thinking about?
Try and remember the idle daydreams you have, don't discount them. They're trying to tell you something.
Find Life Purpose NaturallyWhen you've finished, look at the paper you've written on. It might resemble a jumbled up list of words and phases that only you may be able to understand.
You may have used more than one sheet, if so that's fine. Now take a second blank page.
Write the four questions along the top or down the side if there isn't enough space then use two sheets. Look over your answers and begin to list them more neatly.
Rule out what isn't one hundred percent true or relevant.
For example, the stuff you wrote straightaway might not be what you actually truly felt, it could be that you were still in an 'outside world' state of mind to begin with.
As time went on though, you went deeper into the real you as the outside domain slowly drifted away.
However, what you first wrote might have been right on the money so don't discount it if you feel it's leading you in the right direction.
Carry on reflecting on what you wrote and try to connect to your emotions as you read and write, this is important as it makes it easier for you to find life purpose.
If you write something and it makes you emotional there is a very good reason why this happened: be aware of this.
Thin the list down until you have a few sentences or phrases for each question that clearly relate to just you.
You are inspired by them and they swell up deep internal emotion for you.
Take a new blank page and finally put together a statement, this can be a few lines, phrases or bullet points, make it poetic if you want.
The point here is that this will be your personal mission statement that helps you find life purpose.
You will refer to it on other occasions, refine it as necessary and preferably keep it with you for the rest of your life.
You need to write it in the best possible way for you to clearly understand it. So take as much time as you like here, it's important.
Keep revising it, using new pages if necessary, but aim to get to one final, neat page.
Don't worry if you can't get down to that final draft in this exercise.
This is not a race, if you've spent a good deal of time doing this exercise and you just can't get to it, leave it and come back later.
You'll reach it with time and patience.
I hope that this exercise at least gets you going to find life purpose.
The rest is up to you.
Creativity is a great motivator because it makes ppl interested in what they are doing. Creative gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting. -Edward de Bono
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
One Thing at a Time
by Sharon Marquart
I believe most of us have become fairly proficient at multitasking. We thrive on the efficiency of being able to accomplish one more mechanical task while simultaneously performing another; like driving while talking on the phone, or holding a conversation while preparing dinner. Studies have been performed on the energy of multitasking and how it causes us to become distracted and scattered. Multitasking activates the brain in a very different way than focusing on one thing a time does.
Sometimes, when we compile our mental list of how many tasks need to be accomplished throughout the day or week, we wear ourselves out just thinking about it! Feeling overwhelmed, confused or even exhausted can be signs that we're focusing on too many things a once. We become over-stimulated, anxious and impatient. We invest our energy "out there" in the" projects to complete" list to the point that all our energy is drained before we even begin. Often times, this leads to procrastination because everything seems so overwhelming. As a result, we accomplish very little, which can be discouraging and disheartening. But it doesn't have to be this way.
This week, be inspired to become aware of how your energy may be scattered or leaking. Pay attention and focus on the reason why you feel overwhelmed. Are you trying to do too much and achieving very little? Take a moment to slow down the process and whenever possible, focus on one thing at a time.
Download these e-books for free: "9 Steps To A Happier Healthier You" http://www.livingatyes.com/free-ebook/9StepsToAHappierHealthierYou.php
"7 Easy Ways To Change Your Life Forever" http://www.livingatyes.com/freee-book/7easywaystochangeyourlifeforever.php
Sharon Marquart is the founder and Director of Living at YES! She is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and teacher of metaphysics. Sharon has been teaching for more than 12 years. As a dynamic teacher, motivational speaker, life coach and successful author Sharon inspires hundreds of men and women to live their best lives and achieve their objectives. Sharon has been able to accomplish this by applying the methods and philosophies of metaphysics to the practicality of everyday life. Her presentations have been described as inspiring, encouraging, lively, powerful and customized for each specific group or organization.
Contact the AuthorSharon MarquartSelf-HelpSharon@Livingatyes.comMore Details about Personal coach here.
Keywords: focus, overwhelmed, balance, life, joy, spirituality
Sometimes, when we compile our mental list of how many tasks need to be accomplished throughout the day or week, we wear ourselves out just thinking about it! Feeling overwhelmed, confused or even exhausted can be signs that we're focusing on too many things a once. We become over-stimulated, anxious and impatient. We invest our energy "out there" in the" projects to complete" list to the point that all our energy is drained before we even begin. Often times, this leads to procrastination because everything seems so overwhelming. As a result, we accomplish very little, which can be discouraging and disheartening. But it doesn't have to be this way.
This week, be inspired to become aware of how your energy may be scattered or leaking. Pay attention and focus on the reason why you feel overwhelmed. Are you trying to do too much and achieving very little? Take a moment to slow down the process and whenever possible, focus on one thing at a time.
Download these e-books for free: "9 Steps To A Happier Healthier You" http://www.livingatyes.com/free-ebook/9StepsToAHappierHealthierYou.php
"7 Easy Ways To Change Your Life Forever" http://www.livingatyes.com/freee-book/7easywaystochangeyourlifeforever.php
Sharon Marquart is the founder and Director of Living at YES! She is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and teacher of metaphysics. Sharon has been teaching for more than 12 years. As a dynamic teacher, motivational speaker, life coach and successful author Sharon inspires hundreds of men and women to live their best lives and achieve their objectives. Sharon has been able to accomplish this by applying the methods and philosophies of metaphysics to the practicality of everyday life. Her presentations have been described as inspiring, encouraging, lively, powerful and customized for each specific group or organization.
Contact the AuthorSharon MarquartSelf-HelpSharon@Livingatyes.comMore Details about Personal coach here.
Keywords: focus, overwhelmed, balance, life, joy, spirituality
5 Easy Steps That Can Increase Your Focus and Attention
by Frank Coppola
Do you even wonder why you can't pay attention?
Many of my clients with or without ADD/ADHD are troubled with this. They keep asking, "So how do I pay attention?"
I think a better question is WHY can't I pay attention?
ADD is situational. Looking back, daydreaming was probably a lot more interesting than driving but I wasn't even aware. That particular situation had me bored.
You didn't set out to NOT pay attention.
Most likely not paying attention was due to the situation.
Symptoms such as overwhelm, disorganization, unable to concentrate or hyperfocus most likely can appear when your anxious, bored, overstimulated, understimulated, disinterested, stressed out and/or afraid. These symptoms don't happen all the time. They are linked to specific situations. Isolate the situations and this becomes part of the process to pay attention better.
Here are five easy steps that can help you increase your attention:
1. ADD is situational. Keep track of YOUR specific situations. By learning what situations cause you to wander, you'll be better able to pay attention and to anticipate when you might wander. By paying attention to the situation you might find yourself more engaged. Try it!
2. Take note of when you're distracted and can't pay attention. This is the first step in practicing how to pay attention. This usually occurs after you catch yourself and realize: "I'm not paying attention!" or if you are with someone they might say, "Are you paying attention?"
3. Observation: Remember back to the time or situation. What had you loose focus? Was it something that someone said? What did you notice that had you think of something else? Were you bored or did you have another idea that stimulated you? It makes sense if you're bored your brain might be looking for something more interesting. Right?
3. Observation: Remember back to the time or situation. What had you loose focus? Was it something that someone said? What did you notice that had you think of something else? Were you bored or did you have another idea that stimulated you? It makes sense if you're bored your brain might be looking for something more interesting. Right?
4. "The Drift": How long? Once you pinpoint the situation, how much time did it take before you became aware. Five minutes? Thirty seconds? I call this "the drift." Over time you can shorten the drift time as you keep making note.
5. Creativity Seeking Its Own Level ADD people are incredibly creative and inventive. What if there was another reason you weren't paying attention?
What if it were creativity? You are bursting with ideas. I like to think that our inability to pay attention can be related to the amount of ideas we generate. Could not paying attention be creativity seeking its own level?
What if it were creativity? You are bursting with ideas. I like to think that our inability to pay attention can be related to the amount of ideas we generate. Could not paying attention be creativity seeking its own level?
You can learn to pay attention. It takes awareness and practice. I'm a firm believer: the more you know, the more you grow. You better today knowing you have ADD.
Just go to http://www.CrackTheAddCode.com/sp080224.html to sign up and I'll send you a copy of my new eBook "Get Into Action!" just for visiting.
Frank Coppola is a Senior Certified AD/HD Coach (SCAC) & Trainer, Executive Business Advisor & Clinical Psychotherapist who specializes in helping people get organized, overcome procrastination, effectively manage their time and gain focus.
Frank Coppola is an ADD Coach, who specializes in helping people overcome procrastination, gain focus, and manage their time. You can download a FREE copy of his special report Crack The ADD Code at: http://www.CrackTheAddCode.com
7 Secrets for Accomplishing More in Less Time
The number one question people ask me is "How do you do it all? How do you run 19 Web sites, raise six children, and write books?" Whenever someone asks me this I just chuckle and tell them that if they could see my house, they'd understand! Or sometimes I admit to workaholism. But there are clear and definite ways to maximize your time to accomplish more without getting out of balance. In this article I'll share a few.
1. Work with your moods. You know how most people look at everything they have to do and start with the worst first. They say, "I hate to do it, but I really have to get my bills paid today. Uggh! I'd rather be writing or designing my web site or calling new customers, but I've set aside Monday's to pay my bills, so that's what I've got to do today."
Bills do need to be paid, but if you're in a creative mood with ideas and energy that want to go elsewhere, follow your creative energy where it leads. Then when that energy has passed, do things like paying your bills and other tasks that don't need that creative flow.
This is the way I've worked for years. If I feel like writing, I write. If I feel like tinkering with my web site, I do that. If I feel like finding new ways to market my business or develop new income streams, I do those things. If I feel like finding out how much money I've made or have to spend, I do my billing and bookkeeping. When you work with your moods you're in a state of flow and when you're in this state you accomplish more in less time.
2. Lean on a Higher Power. When you know that there is Someone higher than you . . . Someone infinite and eternal who can do anything and that this Someone is on your side and ready and willing to help you, you can accomplish anything! You are not alone! You don't have to jump those hurdles by yourself. Acknowledge your own inability to climb the mountain, ask for help, expect it, and watch miracles occur.
3. Prioritize Your Day. In the morning carefully consider what you feel you should accomplish for that day. Listen to your moods. Pray about what you should do, and listen carefully for answers. What do you feel inspired and motivated to do? Write these down. Act on them! It's important that you do! After writing down 1-2 important things you'd like to accomplish that day, make a list of smaller activities and keep them handy for when you have a spare moment (more on this later).
4. Learn to Hop with Focus. With a husband, six children and customers vying for my attention, I have to be able to write, take a phone call and then restart mid-sentence. I must be able to get up and get a snack for a 6-year-old and jump right back into programming my web site. Have an overall objective clear in your mind and then when distractions come, make sure you return to task when they've passed.
5. Use Small Bits of Time. Keep a list of little things that you need to do that can be accomplished in 5 minutes or 10. In five minutes you can set an appointment, feed your pets, empty a dishwasher, download your email. In ten you can load a dishwasher, fold a load of laundry, take a walk to clear your head, answer an email, make a change to a web page. Never "kill a few minutes" use them instead!
6. Eliminate Time Wasters. The number one thing that most people spend time on that I do not is watching television. I watch maybe 1-2 movies each week and the rest of the time I'm either working, caring for my family or reading. Think about it, a person who comes home from work and averages watching 5-6 hours of television per day, just flushed 35-42 hours/week down the toilet! He could be working a second job, spending time building lasting relationships with his family or enjoying a productive hobby and developing new skills. Think of what you could accomplish if you had twice the hours of the normal person!
7. Remember: Daily tasks, performed consistently over time yield great results. People look at all I've accomplished and say, "Wow! How do you do all that?" Well, I've been in business for 18 years. Every new skill acquired builds on the last. Plug along with purpose, vision and direction and give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day!
Most of all it helps to have a spouse and children who allow you to reach your full potential, who help, put up with a less-than-immaculate-house, and who believe in you. You may or may not have that type of support system, but at least now you know a few of my practical secrets to accomplishing more in less time. I hope you find them helpful in reaching your worthwhile desires!
Learn more about getting more done in a day than most people accomplish in a week.
Marnie Pehrson, a mother of 6, has been highlighting truth and talent for at least 15 years. Whether it's writing a novel that spotlights individuals who've made a difference in the world or helping a talented entrepreneur create a platform for his life's work, Marnie underscores truth and talent in innovative and compelling ways. To learn more about Marnie and her projects, visit http://www.pwgroup.com.
1. Work with your moods. You know how most people look at everything they have to do and start with the worst first. They say, "I hate to do it, but I really have to get my bills paid today. Uggh! I'd rather be writing or designing my web site or calling new customers, but I've set aside Monday's to pay my bills, so that's what I've got to do today."
Bills do need to be paid, but if you're in a creative mood with ideas and energy that want to go elsewhere, follow your creative energy where it leads. Then when that energy has passed, do things like paying your bills and other tasks that don't need that creative flow.
This is the way I've worked for years. If I feel like writing, I write. If I feel like tinkering with my web site, I do that. If I feel like finding new ways to market my business or develop new income streams, I do those things. If I feel like finding out how much money I've made or have to spend, I do my billing and bookkeeping. When you work with your moods you're in a state of flow and when you're in this state you accomplish more in less time.
2. Lean on a Higher Power. When you know that there is Someone higher than you . . . Someone infinite and eternal who can do anything and that this Someone is on your side and ready and willing to help you, you can accomplish anything! You are not alone! You don't have to jump those hurdles by yourself. Acknowledge your own inability to climb the mountain, ask for help, expect it, and watch miracles occur.
3. Prioritize Your Day. In the morning carefully consider what you feel you should accomplish for that day. Listen to your moods. Pray about what you should do, and listen carefully for answers. What do you feel inspired and motivated to do? Write these down. Act on them! It's important that you do! After writing down 1-2 important things you'd like to accomplish that day, make a list of smaller activities and keep them handy for when you have a spare moment (more on this later).
4. Learn to Hop with Focus. With a husband, six children and customers vying for my attention, I have to be able to write, take a phone call and then restart mid-sentence. I must be able to get up and get a snack for a 6-year-old and jump right back into programming my web site. Have an overall objective clear in your mind and then when distractions come, make sure you return to task when they've passed.
5. Use Small Bits of Time. Keep a list of little things that you need to do that can be accomplished in 5 minutes or 10. In five minutes you can set an appointment, feed your pets, empty a dishwasher, download your email. In ten you can load a dishwasher, fold a load of laundry, take a walk to clear your head, answer an email, make a change to a web page. Never "kill a few minutes" use them instead!
6. Eliminate Time Wasters. The number one thing that most people spend time on that I do not is watching television. I watch maybe 1-2 movies each week and the rest of the time I'm either working, caring for my family or reading. Think about it, a person who comes home from work and averages watching 5-6 hours of television per day, just flushed 35-42 hours/week down the toilet! He could be working a second job, spending time building lasting relationships with his family or enjoying a productive hobby and developing new skills. Think of what you could accomplish if you had twice the hours of the normal person!
7. Remember: Daily tasks, performed consistently over time yield great results. People look at all I've accomplished and say, "Wow! How do you do all that?" Well, I've been in business for 18 years. Every new skill acquired builds on the last. Plug along with purpose, vision and direction and give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day!
Most of all it helps to have a spouse and children who allow you to reach your full potential, who help, put up with a less-than-immaculate-house, and who believe in you. You may or may not have that type of support system, but at least now you know a few of my practical secrets to accomplishing more in less time. I hope you find them helpful in reaching your worthwhile desires!
Learn more about getting more done in a day than most people accomplish in a week.
Marnie Pehrson, a mother of 6, has been highlighting truth and talent for at least 15 years. Whether it's writing a novel that spotlights individuals who've made a difference in the world or helping a talented entrepreneur create a platform for his life's work, Marnie underscores truth and talent in innovative and compelling ways. To learn more about Marnie and her projects, visit http://www.pwgroup.com.
The Grocery LIST for Life !
by Stan Billue
I've chosen the title simply because just as many people find a Grocery List helpful to get exactly what they want in the least amount of time in a Grocery Store, there are certain Lists which will help each of us get exactly what we desire out of Life in the least amount of time.
Any one of these Lists can have a dramatic impact on your Life. All of them together will provide you a Life and Lifestyle that most people only dream about achieving. It's my desire that you will give careful consideration to constructing each List so that you will indeed become the Best you can become. "If you work at developing a Lifestyle for the next 5 years like most people WON'T you'll be able to live your Life like most people CAN'T."
Gratitude List
Accomplishment List
To Do List
What I'm Learning List
Goals List
Ways to Improve List
This is a definite Attitude Changing List that everyone should have. When it seems that Life has you down and is kicking you repeatedly, simply get out your Gratitude List and start to appreciate all of the wonderful things that you have to be thankful for. It is a great way to offset and/or replace all of the Negative thoughts that have been occupying your mind.
Start your Gratitude List by writing down each and everything you have been given and that you should be appreciative off. You might include your relationship with a Higher Power, your Health, your Spouse, your Children, your Grandchildren, your Residence, the area of the Country that you live in, your Vehicle(s), your Job or Career, your Income, your Portfolio, your Wardrobe, your Appearance, your Friends or Associates, your Talents and/or Abilities in specific areas, your Hobbies, your Interests, your Volunteer work, the Sunrises, the Sunsets, the Rain, Rainbows, certain Flowers or Birds or Animals, certain things you've Acquired, certain Places you been able to visit or even Live, etc.
I urge you to start each item on your List with the words; "I am thankful for . . .".
As with most Lists, it doesn't need to be set in concrete. Continually add new things as you think of them. In fact I'll go so far as to suggest if you can't add at least one new Experience or Person or Gift to your Gratitude List each and every week, you might be experiencing the Richness of Life that you deserve.
This is another great list to have which will offset a different set of Negatives. Every so often we start to doubt our progress. We wonder if our efforts are really paying off. We concern ourselves with worry about not accomplishment as much as we want as fast as we want it. Needless to say it helps to remember that our Higher Power provides to us on His timetable and not ours, however it can also help to have an Accomplishment List.
This is a List of everything and every Goal you've accomplished, the Date you achieved it and how it Felt. If you're just now starting this List it's really neat to sit down and remember and recall everything you've accomplished over the last 5, 10 or 20 years to make up your List. Then in the future, add to your List every single time you achieve another Goal, Victory and/or Success, plus the Date you made it happen and most importantly, how It Felt.
If at any time in the future you start to doubt your progress, simply look over your Accomplishment List to appreciate how far you've come and all that you have accomplished.
Any great Entrepreneur will gladly share with you that one of the most important List they have is their To Do List. This would include everything you should be doing each day and should go at least one Month into the Future. In fact you might want to use a Legal Pad instead of a standard Day Planner. Each page would have the Day and Date written on the top except for the weekend where you might want to have both Saturday and Sunday on the same page. You'll quickly discover that you can easily have about 6 Weeks on one Legal Pad.
Here's a critical point that is not included in most other publications. Always assign an "A" or "B" or "C" priority to each item, unless it's a firm Appointment which you know you're going to keep. Needless to say, anything that needs to be done immediately or in the near future would have an "A" next to it. Some things that would be nice to do if you have the extra time would be classified as a "B". The rest are items that you'll do someday in the future and of course they would have a "C" classification. As you go through each day and each week, certain "B" priorities will need to be changed to an "A" and some "C" items will become a "B" because of time limitations.
Now here's the most important thing you'll ever learn about achieving More in Less time. Always start with the things you don't like or even those things which you despise . . . FIRST. Instead of confusing Activity with Accomplishment and getting a few "B" or "C" items done, you'll be way ahead of the pack if you concentrate on the "A" items first and never move to a "B" or "C" until and unless all of the "A" items have been completed on your List for that particular day.
There's an old saying: "When you're Green you Grow and when you're Ripe you Rot" which is so true. It's amazing how many people are still using the same skills and even choices of words that they learned 5, or 10 or 20 years ago. They certainly don't have 5, or 10 or 20 years experience. They have one year's experience repeated many, many years in a row.
I challenge you to start a Legal Pad where you write down a column on the left from top to bottom of Days and Dates and then next to each Day, write down a specific Skill, Technique, Idea or choice of Words that you've purposely added to your arsenal on that Day and Date.
If you happen to find yourself at the end of a Day and can't identify something to add to your Leaning List, at least be willing to open up a Dictionary and blindly point to any Word. Practice, drill and rehearse that Word and add that to you vocabulary.
Of course it's critical to have short term, mid term and long range Goals. You know the drill by now; if you don't know where you're going you'll probably end up someplace else, or if you fail to plan you're planning on failing.
Remember the Formula when setting Goals;
AIM -- Be specific on exactly what you want and describe it in great detail.
CLAIM -- Instead of using "I will" or "I am going to" always put your Goal Statement in the "now" by saying; "I AM OWNING . . ." or "I AM EARNING . . . ", etc. Also make sure and have a definite Due Date, such as; "ON OR BEFORE (date)".
PROCLAIM -- Write your Goals on many 3 x 5 Cards and place them in your Sock Drawer, your Car Visor, your Billfold or Purse, your Refrigerator, your Coffee Pot, your Dresser, your Night Stand, etc. and read them out loud every time you see them.
You will OBTAIN -- Although this Formula works a majority of the time, it is possible that you will occasionally miss a Goal or a Due Date. No problem. Always remember that the real value of Goal Setting is the person we become in the process of trying to achieve more out of Life.
Many successful leaders in History are famous for
setting aside some time each weekend and
writing down at least 10 ways to do what they do Faster, Cheaper or Better.
Of course not all of them are Winners however by forcing yourself to constantly and continually evaluate your situation, you'll be amazed at some of the truly great Ideas you will be able to come up with.
Once you have your List of 10, pick out the one that could have the most dramatic impact on your growth and income and write it out in the form of a Positive Affirmation. Keep that 3x5 Card in your Work area and consciously be aware of it and attempt to implement it whenever possible for the next week. Each weekend simply repeat the process.
Stan Billue, CSP is a recognized expert in Sales Training, Telemarketing, Motivation, Mentoring, and Marketing. He's been a student of successful Business Owners, top Sales Pros, and imaginative Entrepreneurs, an hour a day for 30 years and doubled his own Income each year for 5 consecutive years selling over the Phone. Stan has taught more 6 and 7 figure a year Income earning Mega-Buck Sales Pros than any other Trainer. His power-packed Audio and Video programs are sold in over 40 Countries. You can subscribe to his Free Monthly Newsletter at http://www.stanbillue.com
Contact the AuthorStan BillueSales Skills & Motivationsbillue@cfl.rr.comMore Details about sales training, telemarketing, telesale here.
Keywords: sales training, telemarketing, telesales, phone sales, motivation, free content, objections, closing
I've chosen the title simply because just as many people find a Grocery List helpful to get exactly what they want in the least amount of time in a Grocery Store, there are certain Lists which will help each of us get exactly what we desire out of Life in the least amount of time.
Any one of these Lists can have a dramatic impact on your Life. All of them together will provide you a Life and Lifestyle that most people only dream about achieving. It's my desire that you will give careful consideration to constructing each List so that you will indeed become the Best you can become. "If you work at developing a Lifestyle for the next 5 years like most people WON'T you'll be able to live your Life like most people CAN'T."
Gratitude List
Accomplishment List
To Do List
What I'm Learning List
Goals List
Ways to Improve List
This is a definite Attitude Changing List that everyone should have. When it seems that Life has you down and is kicking you repeatedly, simply get out your Gratitude List and start to appreciate all of the wonderful things that you have to be thankful for. It is a great way to offset and/or replace all of the Negative thoughts that have been occupying your mind.
Start your Gratitude List by writing down each and everything you have been given and that you should be appreciative off. You might include your relationship with a Higher Power, your Health, your Spouse, your Children, your Grandchildren, your Residence, the area of the Country that you live in, your Vehicle(s), your Job or Career, your Income, your Portfolio, your Wardrobe, your Appearance, your Friends or Associates, your Talents and/or Abilities in specific areas, your Hobbies, your Interests, your Volunteer work, the Sunrises, the Sunsets, the Rain, Rainbows, certain Flowers or Birds or Animals, certain things you've Acquired, certain Places you been able to visit or even Live, etc.
I urge you to start each item on your List with the words; "I am thankful for . . .".
As with most Lists, it doesn't need to be set in concrete. Continually add new things as you think of them. In fact I'll go so far as to suggest if you can't add at least one new Experience or Person or Gift to your Gratitude List each and every week, you might be experiencing the Richness of Life that you deserve.
This is another great list to have which will offset a different set of Negatives. Every so often we start to doubt our progress. We wonder if our efforts are really paying off. We concern ourselves with worry about not accomplishment as much as we want as fast as we want it. Needless to say it helps to remember that our Higher Power provides to us on His timetable and not ours, however it can also help to have an Accomplishment List.
This is a List of everything and every Goal you've accomplished, the Date you achieved it and how it Felt. If you're just now starting this List it's really neat to sit down and remember and recall everything you've accomplished over the last 5, 10 or 20 years to make up your List. Then in the future, add to your List every single time you achieve another Goal, Victory and/or Success, plus the Date you made it happen and most importantly, how It Felt.
If at any time in the future you start to doubt your progress, simply look over your Accomplishment List to appreciate how far you've come and all that you have accomplished.
Any great Entrepreneur will gladly share with you that one of the most important List they have is their To Do List. This would include everything you should be doing each day and should go at least one Month into the Future. In fact you might want to use a Legal Pad instead of a standard Day Planner. Each page would have the Day and Date written on the top except for the weekend where you might want to have both Saturday and Sunday on the same page. You'll quickly discover that you can easily have about 6 Weeks on one Legal Pad.
Here's a critical point that is not included in most other publications. Always assign an "A" or "B" or "C" priority to each item, unless it's a firm Appointment which you know you're going to keep. Needless to say, anything that needs to be done immediately or in the near future would have an "A" next to it. Some things that would be nice to do if you have the extra time would be classified as a "B". The rest are items that you'll do someday in the future and of course they would have a "C" classification. As you go through each day and each week, certain "B" priorities will need to be changed to an "A" and some "C" items will become a "B" because of time limitations.
Now here's the most important thing you'll ever learn about achieving More in Less time. Always start with the things you don't like or even those things which you despise . . . FIRST. Instead of confusing Activity with Accomplishment and getting a few "B" or "C" items done, you'll be way ahead of the pack if you concentrate on the "A" items first and never move to a "B" or "C" until and unless all of the "A" items have been completed on your List for that particular day.
There's an old saying: "When you're Green you Grow and when you're Ripe you Rot" which is so true. It's amazing how many people are still using the same skills and even choices of words that they learned 5, or 10 or 20 years ago. They certainly don't have 5, or 10 or 20 years experience. They have one year's experience repeated many, many years in a row.
I challenge you to start a Legal Pad where you write down a column on the left from top to bottom of Days and Dates and then next to each Day, write down a specific Skill, Technique, Idea or choice of Words that you've purposely added to your arsenal on that Day and Date.
If you happen to find yourself at the end of a Day and can't identify something to add to your Leaning List, at least be willing to open up a Dictionary and blindly point to any Word. Practice, drill and rehearse that Word and add that to you vocabulary.
Of course it's critical to have short term, mid term and long range Goals. You know the drill by now; if you don't know where you're going you'll probably end up someplace else, or if you fail to plan you're planning on failing.
Remember the Formula when setting Goals;
AIM -- Be specific on exactly what you want and describe it in great detail.
CLAIM -- Instead of using "I will" or "I am going to" always put your Goal Statement in the "now" by saying; "I AM OWNING . . ." or "I AM EARNING . . . ", etc. Also make sure and have a definite Due Date, such as; "ON OR BEFORE (date)".
PROCLAIM -- Write your Goals on many 3 x 5 Cards and place them in your Sock Drawer, your Car Visor, your Billfold or Purse, your Refrigerator, your Coffee Pot, your Dresser, your Night Stand, etc. and read them out loud every time you see them.
You will OBTAIN -- Although this Formula works a majority of the time, it is possible that you will occasionally miss a Goal or a Due Date. No problem. Always remember that the real value of Goal Setting is the person we become in the process of trying to achieve more out of Life.
Many successful leaders in History are famous for
setting aside some time each weekend and
writing down at least 10 ways to do what they do Faster, Cheaper or Better.
Of course not all of them are Winners however by forcing yourself to constantly and continually evaluate your situation, you'll be amazed at some of the truly great Ideas you will be able to come up with.
Once you have your List of 10, pick out the one that could have the most dramatic impact on your growth and income and write it out in the form of a Positive Affirmation. Keep that 3x5 Card in your Work area and consciously be aware of it and attempt to implement it whenever possible for the next week. Each weekend simply repeat the process.
Stan Billue, CSP is a recognized expert in Sales Training, Telemarketing, Motivation, Mentoring, and Marketing. He's been a student of successful Business Owners, top Sales Pros, and imaginative Entrepreneurs, an hour a day for 30 years and doubled his own Income each year for 5 consecutive years selling over the Phone. Stan has taught more 6 and 7 figure a year Income earning Mega-Buck Sales Pros than any other Trainer. His power-packed Audio and Video programs are sold in over 40 Countries. You can subscribe to his Free Monthly Newsletter at http://www.stanbillue.com
Contact the AuthorStan BillueSales Skills & Motivationsbillue@cfl.rr.comMore Details about sales training, telemarketing, telesale here.
Keywords: sales training, telemarketing, telesales, phone sales, motivation, free content, objections, closing
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motivation quote
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action. -Napoleon Hill
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. -Elbert Hubbard
I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm. -Henry Truman
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. -Elbert Hubbard
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. -Elbert Hubbard
I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm. -Henry Truman
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. -Elbert Hubbard