
Creativity is a great motivator because it makes ppl interested in what they are doing. Creative gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting. -Edward de Bono

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pose Questions To Find Life Purpose

1) What am I good at?
Make a list of your unique talents and characteristics.
Go really deep inside yourself.
Some people lack self esteem and might find this difficult, but we all have unique talents that are special to us individually.
We just don't connect ourselves to them often enough. They're already there but only in our subconscious mind - so extract them.
Most importantly - do this from your perspective, not from others'. Don't try and put yourself into other peoples' shoes.
Don't try to compete with others' talents. Ignore them and just focus on yours. You won't find life purpose by pretending to be somebody else.
Idea - Perhaps list some 'peculiar oddities' you might possess. What I mean here is those particular talents that people you know might mention to you on occasion, like close friends and family.
Perhaps you have a special talent which is perceived as unorthodox?

2) What do I give in abundance - what do I find easy to give?
List all the things that you seem to naturally give to other people. You have some kind of internal motivation as why you always do this: it's easy for you.
We're not talking just physical things here. Think of what you in particular bring into other people's lives.
Again, remember the rapid fire.

3) Why do I do things?
Think about those activities you do that you really enjoy.
Why do you enjoy them?
What makes you drawn to the small things in everyday life that you seem to occupy yourself with all the time?
Try and picture how you spend all your time, not just in work and play, but in your 'idle' moments too.
Again: Rapid fire.

4) Where do I feel most at ease?
Picture yourself in your perfect place. Why do you feel most comfortable here? It could be a place you already occupy or a place in the future that you would like to be.
The latter might be the most important one as it is your dream , you're in control of it and so it can be as big and bright as you want to make it.
Use your imagination, what are you always thinking about?
Try and remember the idle daydreams you have, don't discount them. They're trying to tell you something.

Find Life Purpose NaturallyWhen you've finished, look at the paper you've written on. It might resemble a jumbled up list of words and phases that only you may be able to understand.
You may have used more than one sheet, if so that's fine. Now take a second blank page.
Write the four questions along the top or down the side if there isn't enough space then use two sheets. Look over your answers and begin to list them more neatly.
Rule out what isn't one hundred percent true or relevant.
For example, the stuff you wrote straightaway might not be what you actually truly felt, it could be that you were still in an 'outside world' state of mind to begin with.
As time went on though, you went deeper into the real you as the outside domain slowly drifted away.
However, what you first wrote might have been right on the money so don't discount it if you feel it's leading you in the right direction.
Carry on reflecting on what you wrote and try to connect to your emotions as you read and write, this is important as it makes it easier for you to find life purpose.
If you write something and it makes you emotional there is a very good reason why this happened: be aware of this.
Thin the list down until you have a few sentences or phrases for each question that clearly relate to just you.
You are inspired by them and they swell up deep internal emotion for you.
Take a new blank page and finally put together a statement, this can be a few lines, phrases or bullet points, make it poetic if you want.
The point here is that this will be your personal mission statement that helps you find life purpose.
You will refer to it on other occasions, refine it as necessary and preferably keep it with you for the rest of your life.
You need to write it in the best possible way for you to clearly understand it. So take as much time as you like here, it's important.
Keep revising it, using new pages if necessary, but aim to get to one final, neat page.
Don't worry if you can't get down to that final draft in this exercise.
This is not a race, if you've spent a good deal of time doing this exercise and you just can't get to it, leave it and come back later.
You'll reach it with time and patience.
I hope that this exercise at least gets you going to find life purpose.
The rest is up to you.

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motivation quote

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action. -Napoleon Hill

Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. -Elbert Hubbard

I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm. -Henry Truman

Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. -Elbert Hubbard